With Kali having north of 300 tools, it can get overwhelming.
To find and launch an array of tools and remember their path can cause a brain freeze.
I've created what's dubbed the script kiddies Kali that's menu driven.
menu.ogv - Google Drive
There's just too many folks to give credit to
(here) for these great tools. This is a menu for easy access to kali's
most used toolsets.
The toolsets and menu scripts can be found below:
Modify the menu.sh script's path to fit your environment and tools.
The toolsets and menu scripts can be found below:
Modify the menu.sh script's path to fit your environment and tools.
2) Fuckshitup –- https://github.com/ruped24/fuckshitup
3) Discover -- https://github.com/leebaird/discover
4) Netools –- http://sourceforge.net/projects/netoolsh
5) BBQSQL -- sudo pip install bbqsql
6) Lazykali –- https://github.com/ruped24/Lazykali
7) Tangodown -- http://tinyurl.com/pqagjyw
The menu script can be found here:
If you are having any problems, leave it in the Discussion below.
I hope you find some or parts useful.
As always, be safe. No harm no foul.
For anonimity see post How to: Transparently Routing Traffic Through Tor.
By: n0neXn0ne
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