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Script Words Generator em português Gerador de Palavras, em perl para

Encontrei um script em perl que faz todo o trabalho por nos.
O script e capaz de fazer varias combinações inclusive de quebrar senha WPA, além de uma grande extensão de palavras. O nome do script em perl e Words Generator no português Gerador de Palavras, salve o script abaixo com a extensão .pl

 =head1 NAME  
 =head1 AUTHOR  
 Matteo Redaelli  
 E-MAIL: matteo.redaelli@libero.it  
 WEB:  http://digilander.iol.it/reda  
 This is a Word Generator: you can apply some useful options to filter the   
 =head1 USAGE  
 type  perl wg.pl -h  
 =head1 HISTORY  
 2000-01-06: the first lines of this script  
 2000-01-11 added getopt  
 2000-01-21: adjusted default parameters  
 2002-03-05: new option -n  
 2002-03-06: new option -s  
 2002-03-07: reorganization of all source code, more documentation  
 =head1 LICENSE  
 This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or  
 modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, i.e., under the  
 terms of the "Artistic License" or the "GNU General Public License".  
 =head1 DISCLAIMER  
 This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  
 See the "GNU General Public License" for more details.  
 use Getopt::Std;  
 use strict;  
 #use integer;  
 sub char2string  
 # string generator: if I pass 'a' and 5, I'll get 'aaaaa'  
      sprintf "%s", @_[0] x @_[1];  
 sub occurs  
  my $pat = @_[0];  
  my $astring = @_[1];  
  my $tot = $astring =~ s/$pat//g;  
 #     print "tot $tot\n";  
  return $tot;  
 sub few_repeatitions  
   my $astring = @_[0];  
   my $max = @_[1];  
   my $len = length( $astring );  
   my $tot = 0;  
   my $mid = int( $len / 2);  
   for ( my $step = 2; $step <= $mid; $step++) {  
    for ( 0 .. $len - $step ) {  
      my $letters = substr( $astring, $_, $step);  
 #     print "$letters\n";  
      $tot = occurs( $letters, $astring);  
      return $tot if $tot > $max;  
   return 0;  
 sub nple  
      my $astring = @_[0];  
      my $len = length( $astring );  
      my $tot = 0;  
      my $in = 0;  
      my $last = ' ';  
     for ( 0 .. $len - 1) {  
         my $letter = substr( $astring, $_, 1);  
 #     print "$astring $letter $last\n";  
           if ( ($letter cmp $last) == 0) {  
 #               print "$letter = $last, $in, $tot";  
                if ($in == 0) {  
                     $in = 1;  
           } else {  
                $in = 0;  
           $last = $letter;  
      return $tot;  
 sub substring  
      my $string1 = @_[0];  
      my $string2 = @_[1];  
      $_ = $string2;  
      if ( /$string1/ ) {  
           return 0;  
      else {  
           return 1;  
 my %opts;  
 getopts('a:c:ehl:n:o:r:tu:v:z:', \%opts);  
 usage(0) if $opts{'h'};  
 $opts{'u'} and $opts{'v'} or usage(1);  
 # setup parameters  
 my $va_list = $opts{'v'};  
 my @va_list = split( //, $va_list ); # convert string to an array  
 my $min_depth = $opts{'l'} ? int($opts{'l'}) : 1;  
 my $max_depth = $opts{'u'} ? int($opts{'u'}) : 1;  
 usage(2) if $min_depth > $max_depth;  
 my $prefix = $opts{'a'} ? $opts{'a'} : '';  
 my $postfix = $opts{'z'} ? $opts{'z'} : '';  
 my $max_occurs = $opts{'o'} ? int($opts{'o'}) : $opts{'u'};  
 my $max_cons = $opts{'c'} ? int($opts{'c'}) : $opts{'u'};  
 my $max_nple = $opts{'n'};  
 my $max_reps = $opts{'r'};  
 usage(3) if $min_depth < 1 ||   
      $max_depth < 1 ||   
      $max_occurs < 1 ||   
      $max_cons < 1 ||   
      $max_nple < 0 ||   
      $max_reps < 0;  
 if ($opts{'t'}) {   
      print "Options:\n";  
      foreach my $key (sort keys %opts)   
           { print "$key -> $opts{$key}\n"; }  
      print "Global vars:\n";  
 for ($min_depth..$max_depth) {  
      wg( $_, "");  
 sub print_vars  
      print "min_depth = $min_depth\n";  
      print "max_depth = $max_depth\n";  
      print "max_occurs = $max_occurs\n";  
      print "max_cons = $max_cons\n";  
      print "max_nple = $max_nple\n";  
      print "max_reps = $max_reps\n";  
 # word generator  
 sub wg  
      my $max_depth = @_[0];  
      my $myprefix = @_[1];  
      my $elem;  
      if ($max_depth == 0 ) {  
           print "$prefix$myprefix$postfix\n";  
           if ( $opts{e} == 1) {  
                system "$prefix$myprefix$postfix\n";  
      else {  
 #          print " n = $opts{'n'} r = $opts{'r'} \n";  
 #          suggestion: the generation of the words is more variuos if  
 #          I change the order of the list of the letters (@va_list)  
           foreach $elem (@va_list) {  
                my $newstring = "$myprefix$elem";       
                return if ( $opts{'c'} &&   
                      substring(char2string( $elem , $max_cons), $myprefix ) == 0);  
                return if( $opts{'n'} && nple( $newstring ) > $max_nple);  
                return if( $opts{'r'} &&  
                     few_repeatitions( $newstring, $max_reps) != 0 );  
                return if ( $opts{'o'} && occurs( "$elem", $newstring) > $max_occurs );   
                wg( $max_depth -1, "$myprefix$elem");       
 sub usage  
      my $rc = @_[0];  
      die <<END_USAGE  
 USAGE: perl $0 options  
 options are:  
      -a string: prefix  
      -c number: max consecutive letters (how many consecutive 'a' do you want?)  
      -e : submit the output string to the operating system  
      -h : help  
      -l number: min length of the word  
      -o number: max number of occurrencies of a letter   
      -n number: max number of n-ple (AA, BBB, CCC, DDDD)  
      -r number: max number of repeatitions (ABCABABBCDBCD has 5 repeatitions: 3 reps of AB and 2 of BCD)  
      -t : trace on  
      -u number: max length of the word  
      -v string: list of valid characters (es, "01" "abcdef")  
      -z string: postfix  
 possible return code are:  
      0, ok  
      1, not all parameters  
      2, min length (-l) is greater than max lenght (-u)  
      3, at least one parameter is lower than 1  
 Return code: $rc  

Exemplo de como utilizar o script: 

No meu caso, como uso Linux salvei o arquivo e de a permissão de torno-lo executável "#chmod +x Script.pl" ou poderia usar a seguinte linha "perl wg.pl" que executaria o script da mesma forma. No windows e so instalar o ActivePerl.

Usei em esse comando:

./Script.pl -l 8 -u 64 -v abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZ0123456789\`\~\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\-\_\+\=\[\]\;\’\,\.\/\<\>\?\:\”\{\}\|\ > words.txt

-l --> Tamanho minimo da palavra
-u --> Tamanho máximo da palavra
-v --> Listar os caracteres que eu vou querer na minha wordlist
> words.txt --> E para salva as palavras(Onde ta words.txt pode ser qualquer nome).

Então minha wordlist vai no minimo 8 caráteres e no máximo 86.

exemplo simples


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