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Mostrando postagens de 2016

Prompt de comando do Windows: 10 comandos que você provavelmente não conhecia

O prompt de comando do Windows (CMD) pode também ser extremamente útil, assim como acontece no Linux. Aliás, no sistema operacional do pinguim, usuários mais experientes e/ou administradores geralmente preferem utilizá-lo, ao invés de interfaces gráficas repletas de “firulas”. A linha de comando é poderosa, precisa e prática, capaz de fornecer resultados de forma muito mais rápida, inúmeras vezes. Temido por uns, amado por outros e desconhecido por muitos, o prompt de comando, entretanto, tem sua razão de ser, e pode, com certeza, ser seu amigo. Vamos agora apresentar 10 comandos que você provavelmente não conhecia. Dez comandos muito úteis, aliás, para você utilizar no prompt de comando do Windows. Esqueça por um momento os já conhecidos e batidos “dir”, “ipconfig”, “cd” e “cls”, e vamos lá. Como abrir o prompt de comando no Windows Para abrir rapidamente o prompt de comando, simplesmente clique no menu “Iniciar”, digite “cmd” (sem aspas) e tecle <ENTER>. ...

SQLMap with Tor for Anonymity

In a previous tutorial, I had demonstrated how to use SqlMap to carry out Sql Injection on a website . In this tutorial, I will show you how to use Tor to add a layer of obscurity between you and the target website. Installing Tor Getting tor for Kali Linux is as simple as typing a single line in the terminal- apt-get instal tor If you have any problems installing, then do an apt-get update first. Start Tor This is also quite simple tor You'll see something like this- Root@kali: Sep 04 02:41:25.806 [notice] Tor v0.2.8.7 (git-cc2f02ef17899f86) running on Linux with Libevent 2.0.21-stable, OpenSSL 1.0.2h and Zlib 1.2.8. Sep 04 02:41:25.806 [notice] Tor can't help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at https://www.torproject.org/download/download#warning Sep 04 02:41:25.806 [notice] Read configuration file "/etc/tor/torrc". Sep 04 02:41:25.811 [notice] Opening Socks listener on Sep 04 02:41:25.000 [notice]...

toriptables2g for GUI Desktop with notification

Tor Iptables script is an anonymizer that sets up iptables and tor to route all services and traffic including DNS through the tor network. Dependencies: tor python-notify sudo apt-get install tor python-notify Usage: toriptables2g.py -h Screenshots: Parrot Security OS Kali Linux, Rolling Edition Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (Xenial Xerus) Tor IPTables rules loaded To test: What is my IP address Check Tor Project Witch proxy checker IP leak test DNS leak test To change IP w/o reload: Refresh Check Tor project webpage sudo kill -HUP $( pidof tor ) Distro Specific Fix: Notification error sudo apt-get install mate-notification-daemon >>> https://bitbucket.org/ruped24/toriptables2g/src/

Simple Man-in-the-Middle Script: For Script Kiddies

This Is for the Script Kiddies: This tutorial is about a script written for the How to Conduct a Simple Man-in-the-Middle Attack written by the one and only OTW. Hello script kiddies, Just running a script doesn't give you the understanding of what's going on under the hood. Hence it's not hacking. Please read the the well written tutorial by the OTW before continuing. You will get a good understanding of what's going on under the hood and the tools that are used and why. What This Script Do: It will scan for victims, auto detect local interface and default gateway. Also set up the MitM attack for the victim, router, ipforward, and restore the victim when done. All you need to do is enter the victim's IP Address. That's it. What Tools Are Needed: Kali Linux or any pentesting distro Screenshot: Usage: Read the README.Md sudo ./mitm.py After Target Poisoned: Run sniffers in external terminals Note: Your local interface may differ ...

Hacking Techniques – Top 10 Hacking Methods for Beginner Hackers

Top 10 Hacking Techniques Used by the Hackers Hacking is a growing threat to every business both large and small. Whether it’s stealing private data, taking control of your computer, or shutting down your website, hackers can seriously impact any business, at any time in a number of ways.Following are the Most used Hacking Techniques by the Hackers. List of Hacking Techniques used by Hackers. SQL injection hacking techniques Cross-site scripting hacking techniques Broken authentication and session management hacking techniques Clickjacking hacking techniques DNS cache poisoning hacking techniques Social engineering hacking techniques Symlinking – An insider hacking techniques Cross-site request forgery hacking techniques Remote code execution hacking techniques DDoS attack – Distributed denial of service hacking techniques Hacking Websites are one of the most the common things right now.And we are going to mention the Hacking techniques used by BlackHats and a...

Script Kiddies Kali

Here I've consolidated some of kali's frequently used toolsets. With Kali having north of 300 tools, it can get overwhelming. To find and launch an array of tools and remember their path can cause a brain freeze. I've created what's dubbed the script kiddies Kali that's menu driven. menu.ogv - Google Drive There's just too many folks to give credit to (here) for these great tools. This is a menu for easy access to kali's most used toolsets. The toolsets and menu scripts can be found below: Modify the menu.sh script's path to fit your environment and tools. 1) Killchain –- https://github.com/ruped24/killchain 2) Fuckshitup –- https://github.com/ruped24/fuckshitup 3) Discover -- https://github.com/leebaird/discover 4) Netools –- http://sourceforge.net/projects/netoolsh 5) BBQSQL -- sudo pip install bbqsql 6) Lazykali –- https://github.com/ruped24/Lazykali 7) Tangodown -- http://tinyurl.com/pqagjyw The menu script can be foun...

Script Words Generator em português Gerador de Palavras, em perl para

Encontrei um script em perl que faz todo o trabalho por nos. O script e capaz de fazer varias combinações inclusive de quebrar senha WPA, além de uma grande extensão de palavras. O nome do script em perl e Words Generator no português Gerador de Palavras, salve o script abaixo com a extensão .pl #!/usr/bin/perl =head1 NAME wg.pl =head1 AUTHOR Matteo Redaelli E-MAIL: matteo.redaelli@libero.it WEB: http://digilander.iol.it/reda =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a Word Generator: you can apply some useful options to filter the words =head1 USAGE type perl wg.pl -h =head1 HISTORY 2000-01-06: the first lines of this script 2000-01-11 added getopt 2000-01-21: adjusted default parameters 2002-03-05: new option -n 2002-03-06: new option -s 2002-03-07: reorganization of all source code, more documentation =head1 LICENSE This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself,...

Faceb00k3R tool , e melhor em perl

Corra enquanto ainda funciona segue versão com user agente em pt-br para melhor engenharia social github http://goo.gl/8cv6Lp #!/usr/bin/perl # use strict; use Net::SSLeay::Handle; if(!defined($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[1])) { system('clear'); print " Version 2.32 \n"; print "\033[1;32md88888b .d8b. .o88b. d88888b d8888b. .d88b. db dD d88888b d8888b. \n"; print "88' d8' `8b d8P Y8 88' 88 `8D .8P Y8. 88 ,8P' 88' 88 `8D \n"; print "88ooo 88ooo88 8P 88ooooo 88oooY' 88 88 88,8P 88ooooo 88oobY' \n"; print "88~~~ 88~~~88 8b 88~~~~~ 88~~~b. 88 88 88`8b 88~~~~~ 88`8b \n"; print "88 88 88 Y8b d8 88. 88 8D `8b d8' 88 `88. 88. 88 `88. \n"; print "YP YP YP `Y88P' Y88888P Y8888P' `Y88P' YP YD Y88888P 88 YD \n"; print "\033[1;31m ==================================================...

NMAP Scanning Tutorial : Firewall and IDS Evasion

NMAP Scanning Tutorial : Bypassing the Firewalls and IDS/IPS This post is for penetration testers that face issues with scanning the Corporate networks with firewalls deployed and are unable to bypass the Firewall or an IDS/IPS . Firewall is generally a software or hardware to protect private network from public network.This is a trouble maker for the Penetration testers as they are not able to bypass this added layer of security . Well the good news here is that we can use Nmap options to bypass the firewalls , IDS/IPS . If a penetration tester can bypass firewall then half game is won for the penetration tester. In this tutorial you will learn how to bypass and test firewall using the NMAP options . NMAP options to Bypass the Firewall : • -f (fragment packets): This option is to make it harder to detect the packets. By specifying this option once, Nmap will split the packet into 8 bytes or less after the IP header. This makes the detection of Nmap sen...

The projects I found, I'm notifying their owners to see if they could be interested:

https://github.com/eviltik/evilscan https://github.com/gabemarshall/Brosec https://github.com/allodoxaphobia/JenScan https://github.com/eoftedal/retire-site-scanner https://github.com/danielzzz/node-portchecker https://github.com/ncb000gt/node-portscan https://github.com/jeffflater/scannerjs https://github.com/krux/privacy_scanner https://github.com/baalexander/node-portscanner https://github.com/timonwang/scanner https://github.com/jpenalbae/chita https://github.com/hadynz/xss-keylogger https://github.com/fishnetsecurity/Lair https://github.com/skepticfx/subquest https://github.com/shaoshuai0102/sief https://github.com/SomeoneWeird/icanhazprotocol  (msfjs) https://github.com/OWASP/NodeGoat/


DDoS Tool that supports: DNS Amplification (Domain Name System) NTP Amplification (Network Time Protocol) SNMP Amplification (Simple Network Management Protocol) SSDP Amplification (Simple Service Discovery Protocol) Read more about DDoS Amplification Attacks  here Donation would be much appreciated: 1Gi5Rpz5RBEUpGknSwyRgqzk7b5bQ7Abp2 Requierments OS Supports raw sockets Python 2.7 Pinject Usage _____ __ __ / ___/____ _____/ /___/ /___ _____ ___ \__ \/ __ `/ __ / __ / __ `/ __ `__ \ ___/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / / / / /____/\__,_/\__,_/\__,_/\__,_/_/ /_/ /_/ https://github.com/OffensivePython/Saddam https://twitter.com/OffensivePython Usage: Saddam.py target.com [options] # DDoS Saddam.py benchmark [options] # Calculate AMPLIFICATION factor Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -d FILE:FILE|DOMAIN, --dns=FILE:FILE|DOMAIN ...

Tsunami - DNS Amplification Attack Tool

ABOUT Tsunami is forked from Namescan .  It is an open source project by Samiux (GPLv3). It is designed for research and testing your firewalls as well as IDS/IPS.  Do NOT think of using this tool to attack.  It is very expensive due to its poor performance.  The effect may be differ due to the bandwidth, number of sessions and the size of feedback from the domain query as well as the power of the tool. All the features of Namescan are included in Tsunami.  That means, you can use Tsunami as a scanner too.  Please note that Namescan features/functions cannot be used with Tsunami functions. KNOW ISSUE The performance of this tool is very very poor. Tsunami only works on Kali Linux 1.0.9a or above.  Other linux  distributions may not working properly. The -p switch, do not set more than 1000 as it will consume a lot of memory. FEATURE Tsunami will spoof the MAC address on every session and it will be changed on the next session....

[Release] DNS Amplification [How to] + [Attack Script]

DNS Amplification [How to] + [Attack Script] My purpose of giving out daily scanned fresh DNS Lists is because this is a free world. People are selling "scripts, dns scanners, dns lists" when they are actually FREE !! I will be making this extremely NOOB friendly, to literally let everyone grasp and know what I'm talking about. What is an open DNS resolver? It's a name server that provides recursive replies for every system on the internet. How does this work ? What is an amplification attack? Do you see those lists below that I scan and give out, each line is an open dns resolver, basically this works by sending small packet with a spoofed (masked) source address (the dns lists) to a service/target. Let's take one line out of any DNS LIST: Quote: azmx.ru 4081 My server IP ( My target IP ( "" send a small packet to " (response size)4081" which is the open dns resolver ...