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Nmap Cheat Sheet

Basic Scanning Techniques

Scan a single target —> nmap [target]
Scan multiple targets —> nmap [target1,target2,etc]
Scan a list of targets —-> nmap -iL [list.txt]
Scan a range of hosts —-> nmap [range of IP addresses]
Scan an entire subnet —-> nmap [IP address/cdir]
Scan random hosts —-> nmap -iR [number]
Excluding targets from a scan —> nmap [targets] –exclude [targets]
Excluding targets using a list —> nmap [targets] –excludefile [list.txt]
Perform an aggressive scan —> nmap -A [target]
Scan an IPv6 target —> nmap -6 [target]
Discovery Options
Perform a ping scan only —> nmap -sP [target]
Don’t ping —> nmap -PN [target]
TCP SYN Ping —> nmap -PS [target]
TCP ACK ping —-> nmap -PA [target]
UDP ping —-> nmap -PU [target]
SCTP Init Ping —> nmap -PY [target]
ICMP echo ping —-> nmap -PE [target]
ICMP Timestamp ping —> nmap -PP [target]
ICMP address mask ping —> nmap -PM [target]
IP protocol ping —-> nmap -PO [target]
ARP ping —> nmap -PR [target]
Traceroute —> nmap –traceroute [target]
Force reverse DNS resolution —> nmap -R [target]
Disable reverse DNS resolution —> nmap -n [target]
Alternative DNS lookup —> nmap –system-dns [target]
Manually specify DNS servers —> nmap –dns-servers [servers] [target]
Create a host list —-> nmap -sL [targets]
Advanced Scanning Options
TCP SYN Scan —> nmap -sS [target]
TCP connect scan —-> nmap -sT [target]
UDP scan —-> nmap -sU [target]
TCP Null scan —-> nmap -sN [target]
TCP Fin scan —> nmap -sF [target]
Xmas scan —-> nmap -sX [target]
TCP ACK scan —> nmap -sA [target]
Custom TCP scan —-> nmap –scanflags [flags] [target]
IP protocol scan —-> nmap -sO [target]
Send Raw Ethernet packets —-> nmap –send-eth [target]
Send IP packets —-> nmap –send-ip [target]
Port Scanning Options
Perform a fast scan —> nmap -F [target]
Scan specific ports —-> nmap -p [ports] [target]
Scan ports by name —-> nmap -p [port name] [target]
Scan ports by protocol —-> nmap -sU -sT -p U:[ports],T:[ports] [target]
Scan all ports —-> nmap -p “*” [target]
Scan top ports —–> nmap –top-ports [number] [target]
Perform a sequential port scan —-> nmap -r [target]
Version Detection
Operating system detection —-> nmap -O [target]
Submit TCP/IP Fingerprints —-> http://www.nmap.org/submit/
Attempt to guess an unknown —-> nmap -O –osscan-guess [target]
Service version detection —-> nmap -sV [target]
Troubleshooting version scans —-> nmap -sV –version-trace [target]
Perform a RPC scan —-> nmap -sR [target]
Timing Options
Timing Templates —-> nmap -T [0-5] [target]
Set the packet TTL —-> nmap –ttl [time] [target]
Minimum of parallel connections —-> nmap –min-parallelism [number] [target]
Maximum of parallel connection —-> nmap –max-parallelism [number] [target]
Minimum host group size —–> nmap –min-hostgroup [number] [targets]
Maximum host group size —-> nmap –max-hostgroup [number] [targets]
Maximum RTT timeout —–> nmap –initial-rtt-timeout [time] [target]
Initial RTT timeout —-> nmap –max-rtt-timeout [TTL] [target]
Maximum retries —-> nmap –max-retries [number] [target]
Host timeout —-> nmap –host-timeout [time] [target]
Minimum Scan delay —-> nmap –scan-delay [time] [target]
Maximum scan delay —-> nmap –max-scan-delay [time] [target]
Minimum packet rate —-> nmap –min-rate [number] [target]
Maximum packet rate —-> nmap –max-rate [number] [target]
Defeat reset rate limits —-> nmap –defeat-rst-ratelimit [target]
Firewall Evasion Techniques
Fragment packets —-> nmap -f [target]
Specify a specific MTU —-> nmap –mtu [MTU] [target]
Use a decoy —-> nmap -D RND: [number] [target]
Idle zombie scan —> nmap -sI [zombie] [target]
Manually specify a source port —-> nmap –source-port [port] [target]
Append random data —-> nmap –data-length [size] [target]
Randomize target scan order —-> nmap –randomize-hosts [target]
Spoof MAC Address —-> nmap –spoof-mac [MAC|0|vendor] [target]
Send bad checksums —-> nmap –badsum [target]
Output Options
Save output to a text file —-> nmap -oN [scan.txt] [target]
Save output to a xml file —> nmap -oX [scan.xml] [target]
Grepable output —-> nmap -oG [scan.txt] [target]
Output all supported file types —-> nmap -oA [path/filename] [target]
Periodically display statistics —-> nmap –stats-every [time] [target]
133t output —-> nmap -oS [scan.txt] [target]
Troubleshooting and debugging
Help —> nmap -h
Display Nmap version —-> nmap -V
Verbose output —-> nmap -v [target]
Debugging —-> nmap -d [target]
Display port state reason —-> nmap –reason [target]
Only display open ports —-> nmap –open [target]
Trace packets —> nmap –packet-trace [target]
Display host networking —> nmap –iflist
Specify a network interface —> nmap -e [interface] [target]
Nmap Scripting Engine
Execute individual scripts —> nmap –script [script.nse] [target]
Execute multiple scripts —-> nmap –script [expression] [target]
Script categories —-> all, auth, default, discovery, external, intrusive, malware, safe, vuln
Execute scripts by category —-> nmap –script [category] [target]
Execute multiple scripts categories —-> nmap –script [category1,category2, etc]
Troubleshoot scripts —-> nmap –script [script] –script-trace [target]
Update the script database —-> nmap –script-updatedb
Comparison using Ndiff —-> ndiff [scan1.xml] [scan2.xml]
Ndiff verbose mode —-> ndiff -v [scan1.xml] [scan2.xml]
XML output mode —-> ndiff –xml [scan1.xm] [scan2.xml]


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