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Mostrando postagens de fevereiro, 2015

Top 10 Open Source ferramentas de hacking

1. Nmap Nmap ("Network Mapper") é um utilitário livre e open source (licença) para a descoberta de rede e auditoria de segurança. Nmap utiliza pacotes IP brutos de novas maneiras para determinar o que estão disponíveis na rede anfitriões, que serviços (nome do aplicativo e versão) os anfitriões estão oferecendo, quais sistemas operacionais (e versões de SO) eles estão executando, que tipo de filtros de pacotes / firewalls estão em uso, e dezenas de outras características. 2. Wireshark Wireshark é um analisador de protocolo de rede. Ele permite que você capture e navegar interativamente o tráfego em execução em uma rede de computadores. Edição 3. Metasploit Comunidade Metasploit Community Edition simplifica a descoberta de rede e verificação de vulnerabilidade para exploits específicos, aumentando a eficácia dos scanners de vulnerabilidade. Isso ajuda a priorizar recuperação e eliminar falsos positivos, proporcionando a verdadeira inteligência risco de...

Monitorando a rede com EtherApe

#apt-get install etherape Pronto, ta instalado. Agora vá no menu Aplicações > Ferramentas do Sistema > EtherApe Clicando em “Start” já começa a capturar. Para modificar a interface monitorada, clique no menu Capture > interfaces e selecione a interface que quer monitorar. Há também como criar filtros para monitoramentos, caso queria monitorar uma rede ou host especifico, para isso basta clicar na opção “Pref.” e editar o campo Capture filter Para conhecer a sintaxe correta do filto podemos consultar a man page do pcap-filter ou ir na pagina do tcpdump: http://www.tcpdump.org/ No botão “Prot.”, temos um resumo dos protocolos trafegados

Pyfiscan – Locate Outdated Software Versions

Pyfiscan is free web-application vulnerability and version scanner and can be used to locate out-dated versions of common web-applications in Linux-servers. Example use case is hosting-providers keeping eye on their users installations to keep up with security-updates. Fingerprints are easy to create and modify as user can write those in YAML-syntax. Pyfiscan also contains tool to create email alerts using templates. Pyfiscan Requirements Python 2.7 Python modules PyYAML docopt GNU/Linux web server Testing is done mainly with GNU/Linux Debian stable. Windows is not currently supported. Detects following software Bugzilla CMSMS Centreon Claroline Collabtive Concrete5 Coppermine Cotonti Croogo Dolibarr Dotclear Drupal EspoCRM FluxBB Foswiki Gallery Gollum HelpDEZk ImpressCMS ImpressPages Jamroom Joomla MODX Revolution Magnolia Mahara MantisBT MediaWiki Microweber MoinMoin MyBB Nibbleblog OpenCart PBBoard Piwigo P...

UFONet Open Redirect DDoS Attack

UFONet – is a tool designed to launch DDoS attacks against a target, using ‘Open Redirect’ vectors on third party web applications, like botnet. See this links for more info: https://www.python.org/downloads/ http://pycurl.sourceforge.net/ Installing UFONet UFONet runs on many platforms. It requires Python (2.x.y) and the following library: - python-pycurl - Python bindings to libcurl On Debian-based systems (ex: Ubuntu), run: sudo apt-get install python-pycurl Source libs: Searching for ‘zombies’ UFONet will search on google results for possible ‘Open Redirect’ vulnerable sites. A common query string should be like this: ‘proxy.php?url=’ ‘check.cgi?url=’ ‘checklink?uri=’ ‘validator?uri=’ So for example, you can begin a search with: ./ufonet -s 'proxy.php?url=' At the end of the process, you will be asked if you want to check the list retrieved to see if the urls are vulnerable. Wanna check if they are valid zombies? (Y/n) Also, y...

Whatsapp Discover

A tool for getting phone numbers of devices using Whatsapp by real time sniffing from an interface or from a list of pcap files, which can be processed in batch Note Realtime sniffing and logfile has been added. Author Deepak Daswani @dipudaswani http://deepakdaswani.es Fork by @xtr4nge https://github.com/xtr4nge/whatsapp_discover Usage $ ./whatsapp_discover.pl -i interface | -f pcapfile[s] [-l logfile] Example In the example below, the numbers have been darkened with X characters for privacy reasons deepak@kali:~/code/whatsapp_discover$ ./whatsapp_discover.pl -f /home/deepak/pcapfiles/*.cap Whatsapp Discover v1.0 --- Deepak Daswani (@dipudaswani) 2014 http://deepakdaswani.es Realtime sniffer v1.0 --- Fork by xtr4nge (@xtr4nge) 2014 https://github.com/xtr4nge/whatsapp_discover Parsing /home/deepak/pcapfiles/freewifi-01.cap ... Got 1 number! S.O: iPhone-2.11.4-5222 Mobile number: +1202X...

Parsero – Robots.txt audit tool

Parsero – Robots.txt audit tool Parsero is a free script written in Python which reads the Robots.txt file of a web server and looks at the Disallow entries. The Disallow entries tell the search engines what directories or files hosted on a web server mustn’t be indexed. For example, “Disallow: /portal/login” means that the content on www.example.com/portal/login it’s not allowed to be indexed by crawlers like Google, Bing, Yahoo… This is the way the administrator have to not share sensitive or private information with the search engines. But sometimes these paths typed in the Disallows entries are directly accessible by the users without using a search engine, just visiting the URL and the Path, and sometimes they are not available to be visited by anybody. Because it is really common that the administrators write a lot of Disallows and some of them are available and some of them are not, you can use Parsero in order to check the HTTP status code of eac...

vane – WordPress Vulnerability Scanner

Vane is a GPL fork of the now non-free popular wordpress vulnerability scanner WPScan. Install Vane Prerequisites Windows not supported Ruby => 1.9 RubyGems Git Installing on Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev libopenssl-ruby libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev ruby-dev git clone https://github.com/delvelabs/vane.git cd vane sudo gem install bundler && bundle install --without test development Installing on Fedora sudo yum install libcurl-devel git clone https://github.com/delvelabs/vane.git cd vane sudo gem install bundler && bundle install --without test development Installing on Archlinux pacman -Sy ruby pacman -Sy libyaml git clone https://github.com/delvelabs/vane.git cd vane sudo gem install bundler && bundle install --without test development gem install typhoeus gem install nokogiri Installing on Mac OS X git clone https://github.com/delvelabs/vane.git cd vane sudo gem install bundler && ...

Hack Like a Pro: How to Conduct a Simple Man-in-the-Middle Attack

Welcome back, my hacker novitiates! Many of you have probably heard of a man-in-the-middle attack and wondered how difficult an attack like that would be. For those of you who've never heard of one, it's simply where we, the hacker, place ourselves between the victim and the server and send and receive all the communication between the two. It should be totally transparent to both the client and the server with neither suspecting they're connected to anything or anyone but who they expect. This allows us to see and read all of the communication (passwords, confidential information, etc.), as well as alter it, if need be. In this " Hack Like a Pro " tutorial, I'll show you a very simple way to conduct a MitM attack and capture unencrypted traffic. The Art of Sniffing Before we embark on a MitM attack, we need to address a few concepts. First, sniffing is the act of grabbing all of the traffic that passes you over the wired or wireless commun...

DoS website with GoldenEye – Layer 7 attack tool

So let me introduce GoldenEye. /$$$$$$ /$$ /$$ /$$$$$$$$ /$$__ $$ | $$ | $$ | $$_____/ | $$ \__/ /$$$$$$ | $$ /$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$ | $$ /$$ /$$ /$$$$$$ | $$ /$$$$ /$$__ $$| $$ /$$__ $$ /$$__ $$| $$__ $$| $$$$$ | $$ | $$ /$$__ $$ | $$|_ $$| $$ \ $$| $$| $$ | $$| $$$$$$$$| $$ \ $$| $$__/ | $$ | $$| $$$$$$$$ | $$ \ $$| $$ | $$| $$| $$ | $$| $$_____/| $$ | $$| $$ | $$ | $$| $$_____/ | $$$$$$/| $$$$$$/| $$| $$$$$$$| $$$$$$$| $$ | $$| $$$$$$$$| $$$$$$$| $$$$$$$ \______/ \______/ |__/ \_______/ \_______/|__/ |__/|________/ \____ $$ \_______/ /$$ | $$ | $$$$$$/ \______/ ...


  Kali Linux Version FruityWifi is now part of Kali Linux repositories. apt-get install fruitywifi /etc/init.d/fruitywifi start /etc/init.d/php5-fpm start Go to http://localhost:8000 (for http) Go to https://localhost:8443 (for https) user: admin pass: admin Note: installing fruitywifi will install all modules. If you want to install only some modules, you can install fruitywifi-core first and then each module, for example fruitywifi-module-dnsspoof .

Installing Tor in Kali Linux:

Installing Tor in Kali Linux:   Step 1: Getting tor service ready There are 3 ways of installing Tor service in Kali Linux. You can install Tor by following any of these options:   Option #1: Install Tor from Kali Repository Tor is available in Kali repository, to install it directly from the repository open your Terminal and type this: apt-get install tor If no error occurs, follow the second step.   Option #2: Install Tor from Debian Wheezy Repository If you can’t install Tor using the first method then you may try this option. In this way we are going to add the official Tor repository according to our Debian distribution. Not to be confused, Kali is actually based on Debian and it uses the package management from “Wheezy”. So we are going to use “Wheezy” as our distribution. Now open your terminal and follow these steps:   Step #1: Add repo to sources.list file Lets add the distribution in the list by opening the sources.list file leafpad /etc/apt...

Instale HTOP e NetHogs

Este é um especial, HTOP mostra processo em execução e memória utilizados, incluindo muitos mais detalhes. (Você pode usar top comando, mas HTOP é apenas mais útil). NetHogs é útil e que mostra o tráfego utilizado por aplicações por interface. Instalá-los usando o seguinte comando: apt-get install htop nethogs -y Agora você pode executar em seguida, usando os seguintes comandos: htop nethogs eth0 nethogs wlan0 Tenho quase certeza, você vai gostar de usar essas pequenas ferramentas.

Instale Flash no Kali Linux

Isto é bastante simples e fácil e deve funcionar a partir de a maioria das pessoas lá fora: no terminal: apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree   e em seguida, digite:   update-flashplugin-nonfree --install  

Realizar DDos Attack usando Slowloris

Salve esse arquivo como "slowloris.pl". Download do script. http://pastebin.com/2M4ZAHpz Abra o terminal e siga os seguintes comandos:   cd Desktop                    ( o local deve ser substituído pelo local do arquivo, nesse caso se encontra no Desktop ) chmod +x slowloris.pl perl ./slowloris.pl -dns www.target.com -port 80 -timeout 1 -num 1000 -cache 1- Substitua a URL pelo endereço do alvo. 2- Nesse caso será disparado 1000 pacotes a cada 1 segundo.